SAP on Azure

SAP on Azure is a powerful combination of two leading enterprise technologies. SAP is the world's leading enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, used by companies of all sizes and industries to manage their business processes and operations. Azure is Microsoft's public cloud platform, providing a wide range of services for building, deploying, and managing applications and infrastructure.

By running SAP on Azure, companies can take advantage of the scalability, security, and global reach of the Azure cloud, while also leveraging the robust functionality of SAP. This can help organizations reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve agility.

With SAP on Azure, companies can deploy their SAP applications and databases on Azure virtual machines, take advantage of Azure's built-in disaster recovery and backup capabilities, and use Azure's global network of data centers to provide fast, low-latency access to their SAP systems. Additionally, Azure offers a wide range of services that can be integrated with SAP, such as Azure Active Directory, Azure Cognitive Services, and Azure Machine Learning, to help organizations gain new insights and improve their business processes.

SAP on Azure also makes it easy to integrate with other Azure services, such as Azure DevOps and Azure Logic Apps, to streamline development, testing, and deployment of SAP applications. Additionally, you can use Azure Monitor to gain insight into the performance and health of your SAP systems, and Azure Automation to automate and streamline the management of your SAP environments.

In summary, SAP on Azure is an excellent choice for companies looking to run their SAP systems in the cloud. By leveraging the power of Azure, organizations can gain new insights and improve their business processes, while also reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

Here are HICS, our team of experts contributed towards the successful migration of SAP systems to Azure workloads and have been managing SAP on Azure successfully over the past 5 years for one of the world’s largest drug distributors.